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DUI Assessment and 20-hr Class Registration

Choose the class that you would like to attend?

I, the undersigned Student/Offender, agree to complete the Assessment Component administered by Allegiance Driving Academy, LLC. DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program.  It is understood that this Program is certified by the Department of Driver Services.




By clicking below, you are affirming that you have read, understand, and are willing to comply with each condition specified.

  • Assessment results are valid for a period of one (1) year immediately following completion of the Assessment.  If the student/offender does not enroll in the Intervention Component within one (1) year of completing the Assessment, another Assessment and Assessment fee will be required.

  • This Assessment is valid only for the conviction(s) and/or plea(s) of nolo contendere for which you are currently enrolling.  Any other conviction(s) and/or plea(s) of nolo contendere will require an additional Assessment. 

  • The Assessment results cannot be transferred to any other certified Program, including programs under the same ownership.  The student/offender must be prepared to complete the Intervention Component at the location where the Assessment was taken.  Programs must have a minimum of five paid Intervention contracts to administer an Intervention Component.  In the event a program has to cancel a class for which the Student/Offender has enrolled and paid, they are entitled to have the Assessment results transferred one time to any certified Risk Reduction Program in the state.

  • To complete the Assessment Component at least 30 minutes prior to the beginning of the Intervention Component.  

To Transfer the Assessment results to a Clinical Evaluator, there may be an additional fee up to $25.




By signing below, Program Official is affirming that he/she has read, understands, and is willing to comply with each condition specified.


  • This Program has, and shall maintain, to protect the contractual rights of students/offenders, a performance bond in the face amount of $10,000 per program location written by a bonding company authorized to do business in the State of Georgia.

  • This Program will not refund any fees if the Program is willing and able to fulfill all terms of this contract.

  • This Program shall provide the Student/Offender with a written schedule of classes for the current quarter, to include dates, times and location of class.  The Student/Offender shall receive this information prior to the Assessment Component.

  • Upon receipt of the transfer fee (if required) and signed authorization, the program shall forward the Assessment results to the chosen Clinical Evaluator within five (5) business days.


This agreement constitutes the contract between  Allegiance Driving School DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program and the above-named Student/Offender.  No verbal statement will be recognized.


THIS AGREEMENT CONSTITUTES A RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF ASSESSMENT FEES.  Assessment fees are set by Georgia statute.  No Program may deviate from set fess.


The above-named Student/Offender acknowledges that he/she has read this agreement or that it has been read to him/her, and that he/she has received a written schedule of classes, and that he/she can complete class at this program location.  The Student/Offender and Program understand their respective responsibilities and agree to the terms of this contract.


© 2023 Allegiance Driving Academy, LLC.

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